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Inga-Lill has a lot of texts a part from the Notebooks. Among these we have:

Death Ritual

The phima Abogo

The version of the Akha Death Ritual that Inga-Lill recorded during a three days ceremony, and later transciped with the help of her friend, the phima Abogo:



Text files containing hand written notes from Inga-Lill's notebooks.

Notebook All Notebooks in Inga-Lill Hansson's Akha collection

If you wish to go directly to a specific Notebook, type an identification of the notebook, for example "Akha notebook 12" in the cell [Your Search Terms] (include the apostrophes "").

PS: It might show you another file, if your notebook identification, for example "Xxxxxxx", is mentioned somewhere in this other file's metadata.


Sound tapes

Sound files: Music, interview, recitations, ...

Tape All Tapes in Inga-Lill Hansson's Akha collection

If you wish to go directly to a specific tape number, type for example "Tape 11" in the cell [Your Search Terms] (include the apostrophes "").

PS: It might show you another file, if your tape number frase, for example "Tape 11", is mentioned somewhere in this other file's metadata.

Some selected Akha songs

Some love songs and also instrumental music. Very beautiful:



Inga-Lill's photos from different Akha contexts.

Akha-woman All Photos in Inga-Lill Hansson's Akha collection

If you wish to go directly to a specific Photo or a theme, you may write for example "Woman" in the cell [Your Search Terms] (include the apostrophes ""), if you wish specific combination of more words.
